Here is how you can help
CHRSC relies on gifts and donations from churches, businesses, private and family foundations, grants, and individual donors. Your donation ensures that we can continue the important work of Teaching, Feeding, and propelling our youth toward a successful future.
Your Heartfelt donation is tax-deductible, as CHRSC is an IRS 501(C3) nonprofit.
Donation Options
Online Donation: To make a donation online, please click here to
Check Donation: You may send a donation payable to: Carolina Human Reinvestment, PO BOX 2440, Georgetown, SC 29442, or call us today at (843) 461-4305 to discuss giving to CHRSC.
Corporate Giving-Many companies will match charitable contributions made by current or retired employees or their spouses. If interested, contact your company to check on its matching gift policy and send us its matching gifts form with your donation.
Foundation Grants/Corporate Giving-If you know of a foundation, business or trust that awards donor-advised grants for general operating funds or for specific projects, please contact them on behalf of CHRSC, and/or share their granting guidelines with us.
Planned Giving-A simple Codicil in your will, designating a gift to Carolina Human Reinvestment, will help restore hope for our youth, their families, and our community. For individualized guidance, please contact your attorney or planned giving specialist.
In-Kind Donations-When a cash donation is not possible, you can help CHRSC with your donation of goods to be resold or services such as printing or marketing..... Please reach out with your ideas!
We are glad you are here. Let's take this journey together.
Let's make a difference!